
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The World Around Us

26th April – 31st May at the Tourist Information Centre, St Paul’s Square, Bedford

We have been working in partnership with Carers in Bedfordshire to create artworks inspired by the work of Edward Bawden. The work produced during their six-week course will be on display at Bedford Tourist Information Centre. If you are a Family Carer and would like to join please contact

Visit for more information

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What – The Higgins…?

Cecil Higgins Art Gallery & Bedford Museum is being rebranded ‘The Higgins Art Gallery & Museum, Bedford’ or, ‘The Higgins’ for short!

We have been involving various groups of people within our re-development project and are very keen to gather teachers’ opinions about our future education provision. With this in mind, we are organising a Teachers’ Advisory Group to help us reformulate our approach to learning, using the new art gallery and museum displays.

This group will meet once a term from summer term 2012, during which time participants will be introduced to the redevelopment project and the new themes across the art gallery and museum displays. Members of the group will be asked to contribute to developing new education sessions for schools and help us review and devise ways that we can extend our schools’ learning provision.

Art Gallery & Museum staff education workshop

Teachers Help The Higgins

You and teaching peers have told us about the value of seeing genuine artefacts when it comes to comprehending, appreciating and being able to consider history, cultures and art critically. We want you, as teachers of humanities and arts, to inform us about your curriculum needs, so we can help to enhance your school’s cultural provision.

We can’t promise the earth, but this is the opportunity to work together, to push for what works for you and us, locally. The Higgins will be a significant Borough resource in the ownership of local people and a venue on your doorstep, that pupils can revisit as often as they like. This is the chance for you to have your say in the provision of learning opportunities within this exciting new development.

If you are interested in joining the advisory group, please contact Susannah Oliver on 01234 276351 or

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Higgins Museum & Art Gallery, Bedford

We are very pleased to be able to unveil our new name and brand, The Higgins Art Gallery & Museum, Bedford.The new name and brand for the former Cecil Higgins Art Gallery & Bedford Museum brings a fresh new look and provides a glimpse of what is to come when we reopen in Spring 2013. They mark a new beginning for the art gallery and museum, illustrating the bringing together of the organisations and the buildings.

We love our new name and look but it does mean we're going to be making some changes.

Our main blog will be changing its address to
Our News From The Stores blog will be moving to
Our Out & About blog will be moving to

We will be moving to these new addresses on the 20th April 2012.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Egg-tastic Easter Painting

Creative young people had a height advantage
Painting in the open air, or 'en plein air'  was enjoyed by the 19th Century Impressionists and the budding artists of Bedford had fun in the fresh air too this week as they applied their creative flair to the giant hoarding surrounding the Art Gallery and Museum buildings. The broad theme was Spring and Easter so we had eggs, chicks, rabbits and flowers galore.
Georgina created a lovely pink nest for her egg

The urge to make your mark where others will see it is hard to resist and local people of all ages (from tiny toddlers to very tall teens) responded to the opportunity to pick up a brush and have a go. The rain held off, the sun came out and our marvelous volunteers helped make it very successful event.  Eastcotts and Bedford Central Children's Centres both brought groups of parents and children along and over  two days around 239 people took part in the painting or rose to the challenge of a puzzle hunt around the Castle Gardens.

Keen to make the most of this outdoor canvas, we will be returning to the lawns again on Saturday 5th May for 'The Thing about Me' a Pop-Up Museum and on Sunday 3rd June to paint flags and bunting for the jubilee. Keep an eye on our main news blog for details.